2015 Global Cre8 Summit

On May 24, 2015, the Global Cre8 Summit Weekend, an event in the spotlight of the entire city, came out as a big success in LonggangTian-an Cyber Park. Maker leaders from multiple nations attended the summit and founded the first International Youth Maker Union. The three forums launched at the summit covered a number of frontier sectors, including cutting-edge technologies, innovative education and maker industrial chains, etc. The outdoor exhibition zone and interactive experience zone offered new and interesting products and experiences. The Global Cre8 Summit Weekend became a great feat for Longgang Tian-an Cyber Park to develop an ecosphere of innovations and entrepreneurship.

2015 Global Cre8 summit was jointly initiated by The People's Government of Longgang District, Shenzhen, The Science and Technology Innovation Committee of ShenZhen, China, the Communist Youth League Committee of Shenzhen, China . And the event was organized jointly by Longgang Tian-an Cyber Park, The Science and Technology Innovation Committee of Longgang District, Shenzhen, the Economy Promotion Bureau of Longgang District, the Communist Youth League Committee of Longgang District, Shenzhen, and Jor&Smart Open Space. More than 20 international maker teams from Berkeley, Stanford University and MIT, in association with nearly 100 domestic maker teams jointly launched their maker projects to the public. Meanwhile, twelve world famous guests from the United States, Japan, Israel and China shared their innovative ideas and maker practice with the audience at the site. The guests included Randy W Schekman, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine; Emily Ma, top expert of Google X Laboratory; Greg Fisher, one of the major facilitators of maker campaigns of open source hardware in the San Francisco Bay Area; Shlomit Rachmel, director of Education Program for Israeli Genius Children, etc. These top makers who seldom gathered in one place have brought brand-new thinking and the experience of international cutting-edge technologies to makers of Shenzhen and China.

At the opening ceremony of the summit, the government officer remarked in his address that there are prominent scientists and top makers from different nations around the world at the summit, such as the United States, Japan and Israel, as well as young makers from many higher education institutes in the United States, Israel, and Shenzhen. The makers gathered in one hall and discussed topics on innovations, carried out interactive activities on the spot, held forums for maker organizations, developed innovation forums without borders and boundaries. Such an atmosphere for makers in Shenzhen is second to none.

Shenzhen is a young city rich in innovation vigor. After thirty-five years of reforms and opening-up, in which Shenzhen served as a vanguard, the city is now gradually marching towards the status as an international innovative city. Each year, Shenzhen would host maker events and create platforms for exchanges between makers from around the world, trying to build Shenzhen as an international center of makers.

At the site of the makers fair, apart from nearly one hundred exhibiting companies which specialize in smart hardware, open-source hardware, VR devices, drones, wearable devices, many immersion experience events were also launched, such as intelligent robot experience, VR, paper plane folding lesson taught by the paper plane flight world record holder, and the event presented by Player and Maker Space, etc. This Global Cre8 Summit was the first to provide a platform for in-depth exchanges, explorations, and cooperatives opportunities for makers from Shenzhen and the world from a panoramic perspective and global height, and the event would contribute to Shenzhen’s development to be the second-to-none city of makers.

Another important session of this summit is the establishment of the first International Youth Maker Union initiated by the organizers of the event. At the launching ceremony, three maker representatives from China, the United States and India, lit the light box with the Union logo through their brain waves. With this method of the maker style, they activated this International Youth Maker Union, which consisted of members from multiple prestigious universities from China, the United States, Israel and India. A relevant representative of the Union said that the Union is to integrate the advantages in the aspects of manufacture and supply chains of Shenzhen as the “international center of makers”, combining them with the innovations and ideas of youth makers of the world, in order to build a platform that fuses intelligence for the creation of the future.

Mr. Li Ke, Chairman of Tian-an Cyber Park Group, spoke highly of this summit. Mr. Tao,Tsan Sang, CEO of the Group, remarked at the summit, “I believe this International Popular summit could provide a professional platform of exchanges, communication and interactions for global makers. While sharing precious experience, they are able to gain more interactive experience. In the past 25 years, Tian-an Cyber Park Group has developed over a dozen industrial parks across more than ten cities nationwide. In the meantime, Tian-an Cyber Park Group also provides open platforms of research and innovation to many professionals. Over the years, such open platforms and online interactive experience events have invited entrepreneurs and makers from around the world to cooperate with us. In the future, we expect more international makers to join us.”